Determination Of Causes Of Adult Deaths Using Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling In Nepal: A Multicenter Hospital-Based Study

Nuwadatta Subedi, Suraj Bhattarai, Sunita Ranabhat, Binita Koirala Sharma & Madan Prasad Baral
European Journal of Medical Research,

In this article co-authored by a GLOHMED investigator, the minimal invasive tissue sampling technique (MITS) was shown to be a useful tool for establishing the cause of death in adults. Out of 100 deaths studied, infectious causes attributed to the immediate cause of death in 77%, cardiovascular 10%, neurological in 8% and malignancy in 2%. The findings suggest that MITS can be a valuable and alternative tool for mortality surveillance in low-resource settings where complete diagnostic autopsies are less accepted or less prioritized.