International Melioidosis Conference, Dhaka (Invited Talk)

International Melioidosis Conference, Dhaka (Invited Talk)

Two research assistants from GLOHMED, Dr. Sagar Pahari and Dr. Prakriti Karki, participated in the South Asian Melioidosis Congress 2023 in Dhaka, 20-21 October 2023, invited Speakers from Nepal to talk about knowledge and research gaps on Melioidosis in South Asia and Nepal. Following their presentation, Congress participants were concerned about lack of evidence on melioidosis and its burden in Nepal, even though the major part of Nepal share socio-demographic and geographical characteristics with India and Bangladesh where melioidosis burden is high.

The Congress was jointly organized by Ibrahim Medical College and BIRDIM General Hospital, Bangladesh Society of Medical Microbiologists, and Bangladesh Society of Tropical and Infectious Disease, over two days 20th and 21st October 2023. Speakers mainly discussed the present scenario of Melioidosis in the world and South Asia. Key speakers and poster presenters were the distinguished scientists in their respected field; to name few, Prof. Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay, Prof. Caroline Schrodt, Prof. Ivo Steinmetz, Prof. Direk Limmathurotsakul, Dr. Julen Tomas-Cortazar, Dr. Siobhan McClean, Prof. Narisara Chantratita, Prof. Enoka Corea, Dr. Jay Gee, Dr. Apichai Tuanyok, Dr. Mark Mayo, Prof. Jamal Uddin Ahmed, Dr. Ananya Chowdhury, Dr. Fazle Rabbi Chowdhury, and Dr. Saika Farook.
Special thanks to Dr. Suraj Bhattarai, Chief Investigator of GlohMed for this initiative and opportunity.